Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thing 21

I used Photo Story with my students two years ago and forgot how much fun it can be! I feel it is very user-friendly and as long as students have the correct equipment, an easy way to make a project that much more fun! My favorite function is being able to write notes on what I'm going to say so I don't have to hunt down note cards or scraps of paper. Students also love being able to choose transitions and music! Photo Story is also a great opportunity for students to practice their reading fluency and being their own critics.

The only problem is that my school doesn't have very fast computers, and I don't think we have any microphones. The load times are very slow, so unfortunately, I don't know if I can feasibly do this with my students.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute photostory! You did a great job narrating.
